We are working in an open source project called Providers

Providers is a framework to be used with JSP to fill Select options in
HTML. You can use it with Struts or any other presentation framework to
replace html:options tag and use providers:options and fill the select
without the need of creating a collection in an Action.
Also a bean:write tag can be changed by providers:write to convert an id
to a description easily.

There are other tags with providers, like ComboSelect (dependant drop
down list tags) and a select tag (extending struts) that you must use
with comboselect and additionally creates a script to allow a doMatches
in the select (you write on the select and options are selected
according on what you write).

Documentation and home page have to be done, code must be enhaced, but
we have a first release.
You can download it from
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=99364 and test it.
It's very easy.

Please, send me the comments and keep monitoring next releases. If you
have suggestions send them and we can add the functionality.

Guillermo Meyer.

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