have a look in the generated servlet maybe this will help you ...

at least this is what I would do

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 3:24 PM
Subject: accessing formBeans from forwarded JSP page


maybe I haven't understood the struts concept but I've run into a strange
problem and could use some advice.
I have a JSP page that sumbits a username and a password to an ActionForm.
After the Action does the business logic it forwards me to another JSP. From
that JSP I try to access values stored in the ActionForm bean.

This one works:
<bean:write name="loginActionForm" property="username" />

and this one doesn't (only retrieves a "null"):
<jsp:useBean id="loginActionFormId" scope="page"

Since both actions should be the same I cannot figure out what I'm doing
wrong. Anyway the package and the method call  are correct! 

Any help is very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance

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