what if the actionForm is DynaActionForm?  I have an html:radio tag and
can't seem to select one! :(

so the tags <html:radio property="m_Action" value="true"
onclick="EnablePing();" />Enable
              <html:radio property="m_Action" value="false"
onclick="DisablePing();" />Disable

will show radio buttons but none of them will be checked...

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Bollmeyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 21 January 2004 19:49
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Radio button CHECKED ???

Am Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2004 11:17 schrieb Mauricio T. Ferraz:
> Help!!
> I have a actionForm with a boolean property and set and get
> and in my jsp
> <html:radio property="propertyName" value="true"/>
> <html:radio property="propertyName" value="false"/>
> The radio checked always is the second, where is "false". How I put
> the first to be checked when de jsp is loaded?

Check the ActionForm: what is "propertyName" initialized to
there? I bet it is "false".

> thanks

-- Chris.

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