Hi all,
I'm developing a J2EE app inside Jboss/Tomcat 4.1.27 and I have two wars
in my application archive, both using external libraries (struts,
commons.* ...), both including these jars in their respective
WEB-INF/lib directory. It seems to me that this is causing prblems to
JBoss (or Tomcat, or struts!!!) because I get an "Error createing bean
of class klazz" with a ClassNotFoundException error. 

Searching on the net for a similar problem, I found (If I understood
well) that the prblem is the mechanism used by struts to instantiate the
ActionForm, that is using Class.forName instead of
Thread.currentThread().getContextXlassLoader(). By then why the Action
object instead is correcttly instantiated ? And if so what class/what
method should I override to change this behavior ?

Any help is VERY appreciated. 

Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA

Tel.:   010 2712603

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