
I am working on generating a Tree structure using nested tags.

I have a StructureTree node with in that an Arraylist which will be the child of 
structure tree node.
Because of some technical limitation I wont get full structure at once I will get the 
child info once user clicks on a TreeNode(+ image)
My requirement when ever users clicks the plus button .I need to send a new 
transaction to the Mainframes to get children of that node
and add that to the current Arraylist(Where ever i pressed the button).

I could not get how to get the reference of the Node which user pressed(+ image) so 
that I can store that in session and send the request to mainframes and 
add that to the existing tree so that I will show all the children data.


Say I have a Tree Like StructureTree within that ChildCollection[1] within that some 
child within that some children etc.

If users press ChildCollection[1] then I have to send a request to mainframes and get 
the child information in response and add those to the 
ChildCollection[1] so that I have full strcuture of StructureTree.
How can we get which reference he pressed.I mean in this example ChildCollection[1] ? 

Thanks In advance

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