Hi all.

I am doing some custom validations, and the server side of them is working
well. The problem is that in my custom javascript, I cannot get a variable I
have defined as a regular expression to work. The javascript always pulls
out the backslashes (\) from the regexp. If I put in the regular expression
with double backslashes, it works for javascript, but breaks in the java
end. Plus I would really like to not have to use "nonstandard" regexps.

I am using the mask validator as my guide, and it seems the big difference
is when the "validation function" is created, in mask the regexp variables
get created as regular expressions, where as in my validator they get
created as strings. For example, here is the created mask function:

function mask () {
  this.a0 = new Array("phone", "Phone Number is invalid.", new Function
4}$)$/; return this[varName];"));

and here is my function:
function countryMask () {
  this.a0 = new Array("postalCode", "Postal Code is invalid.", new Function
]\\d)$'; this.otherField='countryID';
this.USA='^(^\\d{5}$)|(^\\d{5}-\\d{4}$)$'; return this[varName];"));

See how in the mask function this.mask is set to a regular expression - no
quotes around it? But in my function, this.USA and this.CAN are both created
as strings with quotes around them (and no regexp demarkers (/))

Also, notice that at this point this.USA and this.CAN both have the slashes
in them as needed. But, in my validation script when I do var pattern =
oCountryMask[x][2](CAN);, pattern does not contain the slashes.

What I am looking for is either a way to call oCountryMask[x][2](CAN) and
have it not strip the slashes, OR (and even better) have the var treated as
a regexp like the mask variable is.

Obviously the "mask" variable for a mask validation is a special variable
that gets treated as a regexp - but is there any way to set the "javascript
type" of the variable in my validation?

I was poking around in the validator javadocs and found
<var-jsType>regexp</var-jsType> looks like it may do something, but it
unfortunatley does not solve my problem. I'm wondering if maybe it isn't
implemented yet or something?

I have really been able to find anybody else mentioning similar problems. :(

Any help to get this working would be greatly appreciated!!!

Matt Bathje

ps - anybody have any knowledge about these three questions that were never
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgId=1327188
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgId=1328405
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgId=1328406

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