1. Create the file
2. Email it

Struts is a web ui framework. It's not about email and all that, so its not
really a question of how to do it 'with struts', but more a case of *where*
to do it in a struts app - and that depends on when your sending the mail
(interactive or batch).

Go take a look at the JavaMail api if you want to know how to send an email.
If you have any issues with sending this mail that are related to struts
then come back and ask questions, but you will need to make more effort
posing your question than you have so far. I mean you havent even stated
what the scenario is. How do expect to get an intelligent response like

Is the email sent as a result of a form that has been submitted or is it a
batch email sent at a set time or some kind of alert email that gets sent
when something happens in the system?

I suggest you read this before posting again:

Now run along, or I shall scold you some more!

DISCLAIMER: The author of this email has recently reduced his nicotine
intake and disavows responsibility for any resultant irritability. If you
have received this scolding by mistake then I guess that just too bad. The
contents of this email are the authors own personal opinions and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of his employer, nation, the entire human
race or sentient life throughout the known universe, though no doubt they
will all agree with the author if they ever happen to read his message.

-----Original Message-----
From: hhlow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 30 January 2004 10:41
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Email with file created on the fly

How can I send email with a file created on the fly using Struts?

Thank you

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