
We are trying to implement common master-detail records using indexed
properties and beans.

We would like take a single bean with various data and place in a
dynaform bean as multiple occurrences.

The single bean was created with all the getters and setters.  And the
dynaform bean was created as followed:

<form-bean name="transtudent"
      <form-property name = "lines" type=SPermitForm[]" size="4" />

Our Jsp page tries to retrieve the 4 lines within transtudent and cannot
find a setter for 'ssn'. This happens to be one of many fields within the single bean and this setter/getter is coded and been used. The error we get is "No getter method for property ssn in bean lines" The Jsp follows:

<html:form action="reviewPurchases.do">
    <c:forEach var="lines" varStatus="status"
       <c:out value="${status.index +1}"/>
       <html:text indexed="true" name="lines" property="ssn"/>

Can anyone give us some insight as to why we are getting this error message?

Many thanks,

Sandy Bingham-Porter
Eastern Illinois University

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