Hello all,

For long time now i am trying to make several invokations of
Struts Actions whose outputs are to be rendered into one single
JSP using JSTL's c:import or jsp:import.
However, when the first Action called reaches a larger response length
(bytes); the request gets cut; thus the page is not fully loaded.

I think it has to do that a Action is intended to do a flush after
the ActionForward has been returned to the master Struts servlet (i
could not measure it, but i would not wonder if the request gets cut at
exactly 8192 bytes). I think even for my problem there is a bugzilla
entry, but i cannot find it again.

But i wonder if one JSP called by an Action cannot call a subsequent
Action of Struts as an imported page fragment.

FYI i am using up to date JSTL, struts and Tomcat 5.0.18; same results
w/ J2 SDKs 1.4.1_02 and 1.5 beta.
I think i know that Tiles is intended for similar things, but porting to
it is not an option in my current project.
Is there any chance of doing that; meaning having several Actions making
up one single request?

Any help is very appreciated!

Thanks you!

greetings,                   |  /"\ 
                             |  \ /  ASCII-Ribbon-Campaign
Timo                         |   X     Against HTML Mail
                             |  / \ 
52F3311A     Timo Boewing  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2003/10/30
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