Use this instead in your tiles:

<html:xhtml />

I validate my tiles xhtml & the only error I ever get is one saying that I shouldn't be using the onclick event due to accessibility issues.


On 01/31/2004 10:46 PM Michael McGrady wrote:
I have run into similar difficulties with Tiles and have just made do. I welcome all insights in this area. Glad this issue is getting air.

At 07:59 AM 1/31/2004, you wrote:

Thanks for the anwers so far.

But it is not working for me, because I still have this extra <html>

tags included.

I have done the following xperiments:

<tiles:insert page="../includes/navigation.jsp" />

<jsp:include page="../includes/navigation.jsp"/>

<%@ include file="../includes/navigation.jsp" %>

<page:applyDecorator name="sidenav"

page="/WEB-INF/jsp/includes/navigation.jsp" />

All of them included extra <html>

I simply do not get it!

Maybe some of you can put some light on this mystery :-)

Here is my code:




<%@ taglib uri="struts-html" prefix="html" %>

<%@ taglib uri="struts-tiles" prefix="tiles" %>

<%@ taglib uri="sitemesh-page" prefix="page" %>

<%@ taglib uri="sitemesh-decorator" prefix="decorator" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<%@ include file="../includes/navigation.jsp" %>

(printable version)
-------------------- includes/navigation.jsp -------------------- <%@ taglib uri="struts-html" prefix="html" %>
----------------------------------------------- And this is the output: -------------------

<div id='content' style="border: solid red 1px">

The current count is... <big>2</big>



(<a href="?printable=true">printable version</a>)







validation results:


Document type does not permit element â<html>â

in content of element â<body>â.

Document type does not permit element â<div>â

in content of element â<html>â.

Value of attribute âmethodâ for element â<form>â is invalid;

Value must be one of {"get","post"}.

Document type does not permit element â<input>â

in content of element â<input>â.

Close tag for element â</input>â omitted

but document type doesn't permit it.

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Linux 2.4.20 Debian

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