You can also declare a dummy form.

        <form-bean name="currentTimeForm"
            type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm" />
            <action path="/currenttime"
              <forward name="success" path="/CurrentTime.jsp" />

- Hubert

--- Srinivas Kusunam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If there is no ActionForm <html:form> doesn't work. Try with normal <form>
> tag it works fine.
> Hope this helps.
> Srini
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/04/04 07:00PM >>>
>   Hi ,all
>   I am new to Struts and learning it.
>   And I am wondering how the strtus-config.xml and JSP look like when
>   a  JSP doesn't submit any info( dont need ActionForm) .
>   The JSP just display the current time and has one button "refresh".
>   CurrentTime.jsp ( user push refresh button)
>   -> CurrentTimeAction(get current time and put it  to Session Attribute)
>    -> CurrentTime.jsp ( get time from Session and render)
>   I have made the JSP without Struts framework . it works .
>   but I have no idea how I can make this with action mapping in
> struts-config.xml.
>   I made the mapping below and I got error when I try to open the JSP .
>   JSP is using <html:form> tag to make form.
> javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean
> null
> but i dont need any ActionForm
> ---------------------------------------------
>       <action-mappings>
>            <action path="/currenttime"
> type="com.somecompany.CurrentTimeAction">
>              <forward name="success" path="/CurrentTime.jsp" />
>          </action>
>      </action-mappings>
> -----------------------------
> I have already checked the which attribute of action tag is mandatory or 
> optional .
> Should I make dummy ActionForm  ?
> Any comments are appriciated.
>   Masashi Nakane 
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