Allow me to show off my neat request debugger method then, it's what I use for logging the stuff. I have it in my base action class and switch it on or off by the logger level. But you could put it in a JSP instead (with HTML). Specify if you want to see the request params, headers or attributes, and if you want plain text or HTML.

* Extracts all request properties and values from request and puts
* them in
* an UL for display or in plain text
* @param request the HTTP Request
* @param doParams enumerate the request parameters or attributes
* @param inHtml compile with HTML tags or not
* @return a String containing each param name-value pair, in an >UL<
public static synchronized String debugRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
int doWhat,
boolean inHtml)
StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer("\n");
String temp2, temp3 = "", sepBegin, sepEnd;
Enumeration enums = null;
Object obj3 = null;
int x;

        if (inHtml)
            sepBegin = "<li>";
            sepEnd = "</li>";
            sepBegin = "";
            sepEnd = "\n";

        if (inHtml) temp.append("<ul>" + sepBegin);
        switch (doWhat)
        case SHOW_ATTRS:
            enums = request.getAttributeNames();
            temp.append("REQUEST ATTRIBUTES");
        case SHOW_HDRS:
            enums = request.getHeaderNames();
            temp.append("REQUEST HEADERS");
        case SHOW_PARAMS:
            enums = request.getParameterNames();
            temp.append("REQUEST PARAMS");
        if (inHtml) temp.append(sepEnd);

        for (x = 0; enums.hasMoreElements(); x++)
            temp2 = (String) enums.nextElement();
            switch (doWhat)
            case SHOW_ATTRS:
                obj3 = request.getAttribute(temp2);
            case SHOW_HDRS:
                obj3 = request.getHeader(temp2);
            case SHOW_PARAMS:
                obj3 = request.getParameter(temp2);
            if (obj3 != null)
                temp3 = obj3.toString();
                temp3 = "" + obj3;
            temp.append(sepBegin + temp2 + "==" + temp3 + sepEnd);
        if (inHtml) temp.append(sepBegin);
        temp.append("\nTOTAL: " + x);
        if (inHtml) temp.append(sepEnd + "</ul>");
        return temp.toString();

     * To specify to debugRequest() to display request
     * parameters.
    public static final int SHOW_PARAMS = 0;

     * To specify to debugRequest() to display request
     * attributes.
    public static final int SHOW_ATTRS = 1;

     * To specify to debugRequest() to display request
     * headers
    public static final int SHOW_HDRS = 2;

On 02/07/2004 04:00 PM Robert Taylor wrote:
Adam, thanks. I did that. The problem is that I need to see request and
response headers from different browsers.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 5:59 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] Examining Response Headers

here's my suggestion: Firebird or Mozilla browser with LiveHttpHeaders extension.

On 02/07/2004 12:35 AM Mike Duffy wrote:


DevProxy is a great program for monitoring the request and

response headers:

I recently did some socket programming. DevProxy was an

invaluable tool. You can see exactly

what flows through the socket between browser and host. Very

good GUI interface.


--- Robert Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry for the OT post, but Googling and searching the mailing

list archives are not producing

I may not be asking the right question though.

Anyhow, I need a tool (free) to examine the request and

response headers.

Any suggestions?


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