The latest <nested> tags are already included with the Struts 1.1

--- mariel hizon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi! Actually, i just downloaded the nest extension tutorial war file from
> and tried to make it work.  This jsp code (the
> <nested:text part) is just to check if the nested-tags.tld is working.
> Apparently it's not, because when i changed the <nested: text to
> <html:text, i didn't get an error, so i guess it really is the nested
> extension that won't run. I browsed a lot of mail archives and saw that
> some people also had a problem with it, though their solution doesn't work
> for me. 
> I'm wondering if it's possible that the nested-tags.tld and the
> nested_tags.jar included in the war tutorial are not compatible with the
> jars that i have? I hope someone can help me. Thanks!
> part of tutorial.jsp ... everything's fine if i just change the
> <nested:text to <html: text ... i don't know why i keep getting "cannot
> find bean null in any scope" with <nested: text ... 
> <html:form action="/">
>   Monkey Name: <nested:text property="monkeyName" /><br>
>   Monkey Age: <nested:text property="monekyAge" /><br>
>   <html:submit>Submit Form</html:submit>
>   </html:form>

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