Have in mind that in selects tags, you have a value and a text, and the
user sees the text, but the value is in fact the id, so if you shows the
value with <bean:write name="orderForm" property="productId"> user will
see the id and not the description.
For this problem we use a tag that extends WriteTag and uses Providers
(http://providers.sourceforge.net/) to show the description. And we use
providers to populate the Select Options.


-----Original Message-----
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Lunes, 16 de Febrero de 2004 09:19 p.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: preview form

Isn't the easiest solution to have two separate pages, something along
the lines of

    <html:form action="reviewOrder">
           <html:text    name="orderForm" property="custNo">
           <html:select name="orderForm" property="productId">
                 <html:optionsCollection name="productCollection"
label="productDescription" value="productId"/>
           <html:text    name="orderForm" property="orderQuantity">

    <html:form action="placeOrder">
           <html:hidden name="orderForm" property="custNo">
           <html:hidden name="orderForm" property="productId">
           <html:hidden name="orderForm" property="orderQuantity">

           <bean:write name="orderForm" property="custNo">
           <bean:write name="orderForm" property="productId">
           <bean:write name="orderForm" property="productDescription">

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Janice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 9:03 PM
Subject: preview form

> Hi Gang,
> I have a form that the client would like to be 'previewed' before 
> users
> submit.  The plan is to have a form with a button that takes the user 
> to
> exact same form, but with all the form elements set to readonly.  From
> the user can go back to the editable form or can submit.
> At least that's the plan.  I'm open to other suggestions, especially 
> of
> 'best practices' variety.
> I would have liked to display the form information on a non-form 
> looking page, but the problem I have is the drop-downs which have a 
> very different value from label.  I don't want the preview to display 
> something like:
> person: 12353
> instead of
> person: Jane Doe
> So I guess I need the drop-downs, unless you all have a workaround?
> My immediate problem is that <html:select /> doesn't support 
> readonly... what else can I do?
> TIA,
> JJ
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