Should java.sql.Date belong in an form bean?

On 17 Feb 2004, at 16:15, Marco Mistroni wrote:

Hi Guillermo,   
        I have one question: will 'your trick' work also if I have
properties of type, for example, Short, or Integer, or java.sql.Date?

Thanx and regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Guillermo Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 February 2004 12:43
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Problem Dynamically creating form properties

I previuosly posted a mail to this list asking why DynaForms are called
Dynamic if you have to declare them statically in Struts-Config. But
there was no answer :(

We created in our project a DynamicBean (previous DynaBean release and
when Struts 1.1 was no available) and extended ActionForm to be a holder
of DynamicBean (somethind like this: ((DynamicForm)form).getModel()
returns a DynamicBean with all properties.)

So, we add html:text fields to the JSP and these are populated to this
DynamicForm without the need of declaring this property anywhere. And we
have optionall Contract asserter to verify properties in a DynamicBean
when needed (usually when using DynamicBean as a DTO between Actions and
Business delegates)


-----Original Message----- From: Bernard Gaughran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Martes, 17 de Febrero de 2004 07:11 a.m. To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Problem Dynamically creating form properties

Can someone PLEASE help?

I need to create a User Interface (in JSP) which
presents the user with a number of input fields. The
number of input fields is not known until run-time
(based on user selections in a previous screens).

The 2 issues I see are:
1. generating the JSP dynamically with the correct
number of properties
2. accessing these form fields in the action class.

Normally, form property definitions need to be
defined at compile time (whether you use Action Forms
or DynaForms)

Ideally, I'd like to use the struts framework to avail
of Validator,etc,etc. Also, I would like to use Struts
Dyna Forms.

Can anyone advise a suitable approach & sample code?

Bernard Gaughran

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