Hi Wendy,

I'm not exactly sure, but I'm a tad suspect of your 'c:if test' expression. It looks suspiciously like a Python "boolean" test for the object's presence. AFAIK, in JSTL one needs to be more explicit as to what value (or lack thereof) when testing...

Unless, of course, it's just a typo in your email...;-)

c dot tee at verizon dot net

Wendy Smoak wrote:
(No, this isn't the infamous "how do I uncheck my checkbox" question!)

I have this:
<c:forEach items="${accountMap}" var="item" >
<html-el:checkbox property="accounts" value="${item.key}"/> <c:out value="${item.key}"/>&nbsp;
<c:out value="${item.value.costCenterDesc}"/>

Unfortunately, the checkboxes corresponding to the String[] 'accounts'
property of the form are not being rendered as checked.

Before I go back to the Action and create a separate Map to hold only
the "active" accounts based on the selected year, does anyone think this
ought to work the way it is?

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