I ran into the same problem and converted all my DispatchActions to
Actions.  The downside is that there are more class files, but the mappings
seem cleaner, especially in handling the 'input' attribute for <html:errors

Also, using Actions lets me specify different values for the 'validate'
attribute.  For example, I use the same form to lookup a records as I do to
update it.  In the case of the lookup, the Action pulls an identifier from
the DynaActionForm that doesn't need to be validated (validate=false for
this mapping).  In the case of the update, full validation of all fields is
required, so validate=true for this one.

Renato Romano wrote:

> I'm quite new to the validator framework, and was trying to figure out
> how to use it. My situation is:
> 1) I want to perform server side validation, and so I made my form
> extend ValidatorForm;
> 2) the action that processes my form is a DispatchAction, so I have
> methods like "edit", "save" "list", all associated with the same form;
> 3) I call http://blabla/myapp/myAction.do?methodName=edit to have the
> app present me with an empty form;
> 4) When processing this action, struts allocates the form and calls the
> validate method, which of course causes validation errors to be
> produced, and the request to be forwarded to the "input" element of my
> action, which, as usual, is the same jsp which contains the form;
> 5) since the page finds some errors (the form is empty!!) they are shown
> by the <html:errors/> tag.
> The only think I can imagine is to have a separate action in
> struts-config, which takes no form and simply redirects control to the
> jsp page which shows the (html) form. This should avoid Struts from
> calling the validate method, and hence <html:errors/> should show
> nothing.
> Of course this would change a bit the logic we already placed in the
> application actions: for example action.do?methodName=edit in our
> architecture should present an empty form, while action.do?m=edit&id=88
> should fill the form with the properties of the object with id 88, and
> then forward to the same jsp page, which then shows that object ready to
> be modified. If my above consideration is correct I should define two
> separate actions in struts-config, and let the links be something like
> newObject.do (for the presentation of an empty form) and unchanged for
> the "loading" of an object.
> Is all this correct ?Are there alternative approaches? Should I quit
> server side validation and only use client-side (which does not suffer
> from this problem)?
> Any help is very appreciated.
> Renato
> ____________________________________
> Renato Romano
> Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
> Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
> 16127 - GENOVA
> Tel.:   010 2712603
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