        I'm having a problem if I use the message-resources inside my tiles
jsp. I'm doing something similar to the standard tiles sample for designing
a layout for menus with the selected menu shown differently. 
I'm doing something like this :

<% String sel = ( String ) request.getAttribute( foo.SELECTEDMENU ); %>
<tiles:insert page="/jsp/layout/submenuLayout.jsp" flush="true">
  <tiles:put name="title"><bean:message key="menu.title"/></tiles:put>
  <tiles:putList name="items" >
    <tiles:add><bean:message key="menu.menu1"/> </tiles:add>
    <tiles:add><bean:message key="menu.menu2"/></tiles:add
  <tiles:putList name="links" >
    <tiles:add value="/do/someAction" />
    <tiles:add value="/do/someOtherAction" />
  <tiles:put name="selected" value="<%=sel%>"/>

Now in my layout, I check for the selected menu and do something like :
<logic:equal name="selected" value="<%=item%>"> 
        <span class="sel"><%=item%></span>

Here item is the value of the Menu Items( <bean:message key="menu.menu1"/>
etc... ) which I iterate over.

The menu items gets rendered just fine. But the above logic block never
returns a true and therefore never prints the selected menu in the way I
want it to.
So I see the menu normally with none of them selected.

The moment I replace the <bean:message... With hard coded values, it starts

Could someone tell me if I'm missing something.

Thanks and Regards

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