I am using struts-menu and fill happy with it. I've just take a look at the xmenu/xplayer you mentionned. It seems that xmenu just display a menu and depends on DHTM/javascript :-(.

Struts-menu, however manage the menu fonctionnality :
- display the menu
- manager rights on menu items (with role or custom rights mamngement)
- integrate well with struts.
- is fully custumizable (you can subclass/implement PermissionAdapter and MenuDisplayer)

So if I except the issue of DHTM and javascript of xmenu, I will say that it depends on your needs. If you just need to display a simple menu in a small web app, xmenu seems OK. However if you need to custumize the display and to display only valid element (according to loogged user's rights), I would suggest struts-menu.

BTW, you can use xmenu to display struts menu simply by writing your MenuDisplayer and benefit, in addintion to the L&F of xmenu, the struts integration and rights managment of struts menu. I will probably do this for my projects ;-) May be you could suggest to the struts manu developpers to add such displayer to struts-menu.

That's just my opinion, I'm currious too to see if there are other (real) alternative to struts-menu.


Brad Balmer wrote:

I know about using struts-menu since it seems to be the only menu system talked about on this forum. Before I start down a path, I was wondering if anybody else has used another menu system successfully within a struts application other than struts-menu?

I was looking into xmenu/xlayser (http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmenu-xlayer) which doesn't seem too bad.

Any ideas/advice?


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