Can a <a href> be made to function as a 'submit' and upon submission, all
the formBean properties are remembered in the Action class that handles it. 
When  I try to use just the <a href> I can't get the formBean properties to
be remembered.   But I can't change my list of <a href> as submit buttons
because I need to pass arguments on each of the <a href>. 
Here's an example of what I try to do on my JSP page:
When the user clicks a link to see a picture of an item, this JSP will be
replaced by another JSP with the picture.  So before I leave this page, I
"must" save the Personal information and the item list in a temporary
location so when I return to this page, those values will be repopulated.
But my problem is, clicking the <a href> link will not carry over he
formBean properties to the Action class for me to save.   'Submit' will but
I can't change those <a href> to 'submit' because I need to pass the item
index (0,1,2 etc.) through each <a href> to the Action class. 

Personal information:
First Name:             Last Name:              Mailing Address:

List of items in your shopping cart:
ABC tennis racket       1       <a href> link to see a picture and pass the
index of this item to the Action class
Wilson tennis ball      5       <a href> link to see a picture and pass the
index of this item to he Action class
XYZ tenis shirt         2          <a href> link to see a picture and pass
the index of this item to he Action class
I appreciate any suggestion.

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