File = struts-config.xml >> Validator plugin elements:
  <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
    <set-property property="pathnames"
           value="/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml, /WEB-INF/validation.xml"/>
    <set-property property="stopOnFirstError" value="false"/>

File = login.jsp >> form declaration:
<html:form action="console" onsubmit="return validate[BLAH](this)">

Where [BLAH] is the name of the action which handles your form submition.

I'm a newbie, so if there's a better way fire away people.

On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, Mike Millson wrote:

> I have a form with 1 text field and 1 password field:
> username: required and maxlength 10
> password: required
> The return statement for the validateLoginForm function generated in the
> dynamic javascript:
> return validateMaxLength(form) && validateRequired(form);
> If I enter a username that is too long, validateMaxLength returns false, so 
> validateRequired is never evaluated. The result is that only the error about 
> username being too long is displayed, even if password is empty.
> This is not how it works on the server side. If I disable javascript and submit, the 
> server side displays both errors: username too long and password required.
> Is this a bug? Why aren't the client side and server side validation
> results equal?
> Thank you,
> Mike
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| University at Albany--Computing  |
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