I've got a FormBean that includes a collection of beans. I have two getters
for this collection: one indexed, and one not indexed. The non-indexed one
returns the entire collection, the indexed one returns a single member of
the collection. The normal arrangement.

I use JSTL tags to refer to the unindexed getter: a <c:choose ...><c:when
..> set that tests whether the collection is empty, then a <c:forEach...>
tag that puts the contents on the page.

I have a copy of BEA Weblogic on my local machine, for development. In that
environment everything works perfectly. Then there's another copy of BEA
Weblogic on a Unix box that's available to everybody. That's where I put my
WAR file when I've got it working, so others can use it, and find bugs, etc.

But the application fails on that "public" server. It tells me that it is
"unable to find a value for "allItems" in object of class
"......ItemBeanList". Changing the name of the unindexed getter, so that
it's no longer an overloaded function, makes it work.

I can't figure out why this works on my desktop and fails on the server. All
tld and jar files for the tags are included in the WAR file.

Tim Slattery

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