I have a situation where I have not found a solution in the archives (I'm
sure it is there, just don't know the right search), the documents (I have
half dozen Struts books, plus the tomcat docs), and Google has not been my

I have a simple struts application where if I put the following in the JSP
page, it works just fine (other than I don't want a text input field):

<html:text property='totalInventory' size='20'/>

but if I put the following:

<bean:write name='total' property='totalInventory'/>

it won't render the JSP page (just blank), unless I put ignore='true', in
which case the page renders, but I also don't get the output.

The taglibs are all referenced for both the struts-html and struts-bean
taglibs. I have tried putting different scope references in the bean tag. I
have looked at the generated java code and they both appear to show up

I am running Tomcat 5.0.19 with a jk2 connector to Apache2 2.0.48, Sun sdk
1.4.2_03, running on a PIII 866 Mhz, 256MB. Struts 1.1 (downloaded today,
release binary).

I look in my logs and I can see the bean being properly set (and it does
properly display when using the html taglib). I am sure this is
outrageously simple, but I spent over a solid day (and night) fighting this
and am getting nowhere.

Any suggestions/questions welcome (yes, I already considered taking up truck
driving instead).

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