Hello All,

I am trying to have text from my property file appear into one of the
attributes of an html select element. The code which I have written is

<html:select property="destinationType" onchange=
"javascript:fnLocationBlur(); fnChangeZoomImage()"
onfocus="fnSetFocus('0');window.status ='<bean:message
key="select.destination.type"/>'; return true"  value =
        <html:option value="city">city</html:option>
      <html:option value="state">state</html:option>
      <html:option value="country">country</html:option>

However when invoke the jsp I get an exception

"/jsp/WcNoNc/Query.jsp(575): Non-matching extension tags //[ null; Line:
probably occurred due to an error in /jsp/WcNoNc/Query.jsp line 575:

What am I doing wrong? How can I get the text from my property file into one
of the html attributes?

Thanks for your help in advance.


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