On Friday 27 February 2004 19:53, Dhaliwal, Pritpal (HQP) wrote:

Ah, you're welcome. Everybody makes mistakes, me too,
as did Viru possibly. I certainly did a lot more mistakes
in this direction when I was younger. Still, Viru had a
problem and searched for 'rays of hope' here. Now, it
might well have been the wrong forum, but it's still
a problem everyone might be confronted with over
time: you have an app and it behaves unsatisfactorily
somehow. Then you're just at the wrong end of the
gun; I know the feelings one has in such a situation.
Well, the list may be about Struts in the first place,
but most of us are experienced developers who
don't do only Struts, but have a much more wide-
spread focus, so if we can be of help, we should
forget about formal directions and just use our
experience to help those facing an infavorable
situation to 'save their faces' if we can. Each of
us could be in a situation like this one day, too.

Alas. Your current post shows you have the
courage to recognize mistakes and stand to
your deeds. Well, not everybody would have
done that. IMHO this clearly deserves respect.

Now. A final end to all these sad things and
back to work. Well, 'Peopleware' is a famous
book about common mistakes in software
development, with the first version released
in 1989, but things obviously have stayed
more or less the same over time. There
are many interesting things in this book,
and most of them I found to be just correct
when compared to my personal experiences
over time. IMHO a book everyone who is
responsible (in any role) for IT projects
should have read once, at least. Basically,
it just says your goal should be to form
'jelled' teams and treat them in a human
way. Plus, you have to provide the en-
vironment for that. The 'Black Team',
which existed in reality, is an example
of how good developers working to-
gether can make a team become
something bigger than the sum of
its parts. They customarily wore
black, hence the term 'Black Team',
and were considered 'Gurus' other-
wise, but kept humble still, being
just proud to be part of this special
team. A certain attitude and a diffe-
rence in stance. Then, if someone
is good, respect will come automa-
tically. You don't have to make a
fuss about it. That's the difference.
Real gurus don't talk or judge,
they just do. 

-- Chris.

But as I get the chance here to
add something to my recent posts:
Well, I was focused on execution
times. The same is true, of course,
in case of memory consumption.
There is no way to 'switch off'
GC. But there typically are 
'hotspots' in terms of memory
consumption, i.e. where a lot
of Objects are created. Then,
trace your code and check if
it retains unneeded strong
references which hinder GC
from reclaiming their memory
space. There are certain pitfalls,
in particular when dealing with
arrays or Collections, but the
overall matter is too complex
to lay it out in full here. 


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