I've been searching the archive and google or an
example of a map-backed form similar to what i'm
trying to accomplish, but I haven't found anything.
What i'm trying to do is this:

somePage.jsp has a dynamic number textboxes on it,
some i know the exact name of ("color") and some I
just know what they start with ("attribute_1",
"attribute_2"...etc). It submits to ProcessMyData.do
which does some back end processing on those form
elements, then forwards to another JSP. I can't seem
to access the data from the form in the action.

All the examples I have found go directly to a JSP for
display, nothing in the action. Can anyone show me an
example (form, action, config.xml) of how to pass in a
few textboxes, get that data in an action, and then
forward (last step not that important).

Thanks alot.
If you need any more info or anything else from me,
let me know.

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