> > Hi
> > We are developing a web project which incudes jsp
> > ,struts etc. we are using VSS for source control,
> > we are sending jar files to the client and each jar
> > file we have a manifest file which has the version
> > number,build number and date, so if there is any error
> > we just ask the version, build and date to track down
> > the source and fix it,
> > But since we cannot bundle all the jsp in jar file,
> > how do we know what source the client have, do we have
> > to include build number etc in each and every jsp we
> > send, or include a jsp with build number,
> > any ideas, how do people keep track of what jsp code
> > is running on client machine.
> > we have different clients running different versions
> > and build
> >
> > Ashish
> We version control our JSPs through the keyword substitution
> functionality provided by our source code repository.  Every one of our
> JSPs contain a comment at the top, containing versioning information.
> For example:
>     <%-- $Id:$  --%>
> Is the simplest version.

One possible solution:
    1) Have a token at the begning of each file, something like <%-- 
@version.number@ --%>
    2) Use Ant increment a build number. This link as some very useful info
http://www.jguru.com/faq/view.jsp?    EID=481664
    3) Substitute the token in step (1) with the current build number.
     Pro: Its automated. Guaranted the same results every time.
     Con: [Minor] depending on the number of jsp files token substitution
may take a while.

The above steps have worked for me. In my case i didn't have substitute the
all for all the jsp pages just a release notes page.

Hope this helps,
- anand.

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