On 03/01/2004 08:23 PM Martin Cooper wrote:
I'm going to put this another way: what's the secret with file upload requests? I can't see my file parameter in the request parameters when I submit the form with the multipart-request.
Ah, if I told you that, it wouldn't be a secret any more, now would it? ;-)
The biggest difference with multipart requests is that the request is wrapped by Struts, so when you invoke a method on the request object, you are actually invoking a method on the MultipartRequestWrapper class. This is necessary so that calls to, for example, getParameter() go to Struts, which parsed your request, rather than the container, which didn't.
In the code fragment below, I see you are invoking getParameterMap(). Note that this is a Servlet 2.3 method. Since Struts 1.x is built for Servlet 2.2, that method is not implemented, and simply returns null.
Actually, there isn't a way to get the file items from the request itself, since it doesn't have them. They're stored in the multipart request handler itself. So, you would get the set of uploaded file items like this:
Hashtable fileItems = formBean.getMultipartRequestHandler().getFileElements();
I'll be the first to admit that the current multipart implementation is a little, um, arcane (not that I invented it ;). The plan is to completely rewrite it for Struts 2.x, when we get there.
Hope this helps.
-- Martin Cooper
On 02/29/2004 07:05 PM Adam Hardy wrote:
I use the Commons multipart request handler stuff to set up a DynaActionForm properly for my file upload so:
<form-bean name="linklibImportForm" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorActionForm"> <form-property name="bookmarksFile"
type="org.apache.struts.upload.CommonsMultipartRequestHandler$CommonsFormFil e"/>
which works fine, but in some circumstances I want to manually create this form, grab the file and save the DynaActionForm (in a filter). Like so:
ActionForm form = RequestUtils.createActionForm(request, actionMapping, moduleConfig, actionServlet); form.reset(actionMapping, request); BeanUtils.populate(form, request.getParameterMap());
But it isn't working. My file comes back as null. Anyone know why or have a solution?
-- struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.16 + java 1.4.2 Linux 2.4.20 Debian
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