Its also usually the case with dates that downs make less work for the user. This along with beanutils conversions hassles mean s its usually easier to have a day, month , year properties of type String or Integer which then you use to create a Date or Calendar object before passing up to your model or even have gets and sets in you model that do the conversion.

On 2 Mar 2004, at 20:03, Larry Meadors wrote:

Bean utils (what struts uses in this case) sucks when it comes to
parsing anything but Strings.

Generally what I do is make put String getter/setter methods on the
Form, then in those (or in the Action) use a SimpleDateFormat to parse
the string into a date. One other thing to note there is that the date
format MM/dd/yy will parse 1/1/04 as 01/01/2004, but 1/1/4 as
01/01/0004, so you need to handle that yourself.

Same trick with numeric classes.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/02/04 11:36 AM >>>

I have and ActionForm with one element refering to a Date (from Util)
property and I get the following exception

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

Is there a special treatment for these kind of attributes?


Vanessa Monteiro
Analista de Sistemas
Quality Software
3475-3000 r:5062

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