Instead of modifying an existing forward (not sure you shoulda been doing
that, anyway), you can try creating a new one.  Copy the properties of the
one you received, then pass that one on.

>         if(userAgentHeader.lastIndexOf("Windows CE") != -1){
>             // normal JSP forward Path (for non PIE browsers)
>             String path = forward.getPath();
>             // append the suffix to the name of the JSP (index.jsp =>
> index_s.jsp)
>             String modifiedPath = path.substring(0,path.lastIndexOf('.'));
>             modifiedPath += symbolJspSuffix+
> path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('.'));
>             // set modifiedPath in the ForwardConfig
>             //forward.setPath(modifiedPath);
              ForwardConfig temp = new ForwardConfig();
              // copy other properties
              forward = temp;
>         }
>         super.processForwardConfig(request, response, forward);


--- Marc Logemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> i developed my own RequestProcessor (by inheritance and overriding) for
> some custom
> behavior. Actually this exactly:
>    protected void processForwardConfig(HttpServletRequest request,
> HttpServletResponse response, ForwardConfig forward) throws IOException,
> ServletException {
>         final String symbolJspSuffix = "_s";
>         String userAgentHeader = request.getHeader("User-Agent");
>         if(userAgentHeader.lastIndexOf("Windows CE") != -1){
>             // normal JSP forward Path (for non PIE browsers)
>             String path = forward.getPath();
>             // append the suffix to the name of the JSP (index.jsp =>
> index_s.jsp)
>             String modifiedPath = path.substring(0,path.lastIndexOf('.'));
>             modifiedPath += symbolJspSuffix+
> path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('.'));
>             // set modifiedPath in the ForwardConfig
>             forward.setPath(modifiedPath);
>         }
>         super.processForwardConfig(request, response, forward);
>     }
> ---
> As you can see, i have two version of my JSPs and the alternate version of
> them
> is used on Windows CE devices. With my first action (a struts forward
> action),
> its running quite nice, but after going to the second, i get an
> IllegalStateException.
> After reading some code, i discovered that the "configured" attribute is
> set
> and that i cant make any changes to the forward.path anymore, but this
> breaks
> my little nice routine. So when does the freeze() method gets called and
> how to avoid that?
> When are ActionForwards "configured" and not modifiable anymore?
> I really like the hook in processFOrwardConfig and dont want to give it up.
> Thanks for infos 
> marc
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