Hi folks,

I'm sorely confused.  I'm getting a "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No
bean specified" exception when I submit a form.  Searching the list
archives, it seems that this is usually caused by a problem in the
struts-config, either no 'name' parameter in the action, or that parameter
set incorrectly...

I've looked at that, and everything seems fine.  Here's the appropriate
sections of the struts-config...

The action I'm submitting is RetryTrans.do.

       <form-bean name="EnterTransForm" type
="com.edgil.TransactionMgr.Forms.EnterTransForm" />
       <form-bean name="RetryTransForm" type
="com.edgil.TransactionMgr.Forms.RetryTransForm" />

        <action path="/EnterTrans" type
="com.edgil.TransactionMgr.Actions.EnterTransAction" name="EnterTransForm"
            <forward name="AuthResult" path="/jsp/AuthResult.jsp" redirect
="false" />
        <action path="/RetryTrans" type
="com.edgil.TransactionMgr.Actions.RetryTransAction" name="RetryTransForm"

Now for the part that has me very confused.

In the action which forwards to the RetryTrans jsp, I create a
RetryTransForm object, populate it, and put it on the request.  When I get
to the jsp, the jsp is correctly populated with the data from that bean.
So, I know I can create a RetryTransForm, and there was one on the request.

Even more confusing, is that since the EnterTransForm and RetryTransForm
are very similar (only a few attributes are different), I tried changing
the action to be
        <action path="/RetryTrans" type
="com.edgil.TransactionMgr.Actions.RetryTransAction" name="EnterTransForm"

and changed a few lines of code to populate the request with a
EnterTransForm object, and I stopped getting the "No Bean Specified"
exception, I get to the execute method of my RetryTransAction class.

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

Mike Boucher                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Edgil Associates              www.edgil.com

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