I'm using this to display errors:
   <div class="error">
       <html-el:messages id="msg" message="false">
         <li><c:out value="${msg}"/></li>

How do I put the old "Validation ErrorYou must correct the following
error(s) before proceeding:" text at the top if there are indeed errors
to be displayed?  That used to happen magically with <html-el:errors/>
using the errors.header & errors.footer in the
ApplicationResources.properties file.

I started to write <c:if test"${not empty ... But I don't know what to
check for emptiness.  

I see that the errors are in request scope under the key
org.apache.struts.action.ERROR but all sorts of variations of this break
my page:
<c:if test"${not empty request['org.apache.struts.action.ERROR']}">

It's late on Friday, I'm probably missing something really simple...

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management 

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