As I'm using html:multibox in my JSP and need to reset the selected items,
I've extended the DynaValidatorForm and written a reset() method to do this.
Although the reset() method is called, the list of selected items is never
reseted. What did I missed? Thanks for help. 
It seems the list managed by the genericForm is not the same as the one
declared in Struts-config.xml : when the check boxes are checked, I recover
them in the Action but did not see them in reset method (the string list is
always empty.) Also , getSelectedItems and setSelectedItems are never called
I tried not to declare selectedItems in Struts-config.xml but an error tells
there is no getter method for property selectedItems..... 
ANNEX : Struts-config.xml :
 <form-bean name="genericForm" type="project.transmissionGenericForm"
      <form-property name="selectedItems" type="java.lang.String[]" />
Action Form : 
public final class genericForm extends DynaValidatorForm
    String[] selectedItems = {};

    public String[] getSelectedItems()
        return (this.selectedItems);

    public void setSelectedItems(String[] _selectedItems)
        this.selectedItems = _selectedItems;

    public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
       if ( this.selectedItems != null )
          String[] empty = {};
          this.selectedItems = empty;
JSP : (mutlibox are not attached to calls list !) 
<logic:iterate name="genericForm" id="calls" property="calls"
type="clients.ConnectionExt" offset="offset" length="length">
    <%  String valueId = String.valueOf(calls.getId());%>

    <td bgcolor="#C9DBF1" width="34">
        <html:multibox name="genericForm" property="selectedItems"
value="<%=valueId%>" ></html:multibox>

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