Hm... I've been trying to avoid using the logic tags (as per struts documentation).  
Could I do something like this:
<c:if test="${!empty userMessages}">

Melissa said:
I do it this way as well, but I use ActionMessages to store the specific
message, and have the tags to display it in a base jsp that is used by all
my forms via tiles.

So, in my BaseLayout.jsp, I have this that shows messages that aren't
errors at the top of the page:

<logic:present name="userMessages" scope="request">
   <span class="messageText">
     <html:messages name="userMessages" id="userMessages">
    <bean:write name="dotMessages" /><br />

In an action, I can then do this:

ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
messages.add("formUpdated", new ActionMessage("form.updated",  "Form Name"));
saveMessages("userMessages", request, messages);

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