Erol, I've never actually used resin - so I can't help you with that one.

.war files (in the perfect world) contain all code needed to deploy a web
application on an application server like tomcat. You can do this on tomcat
by copying the .war file into tomcats webapps directory and restarting
tomcat. After this, you should see a directory with the same name as the
.war file - containing all sources. Furthermore, the .war takes care of
modifying the configuration files for you :)

the download for struts is at,
you need to find it in the list.

The example application is included in the struts distribution .zip file (if
you're a windows user) at /webapps/struts-example.war

The struts distribution also contains lots of documentation and some howto

good luck, Andreas

-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. Marz 2004 11:49
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: help about struts

Hi Andreas,

I looked this site and others but didnt analyze them detailed.

Can I work on Resin?

First you installed tomcat.
Secondly you put  .war file in the webapps directory of tomcat. (which war

If you have a free time, please tell me setup step by step



Andreas Solarik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi Erol,

I suppose you have already visited, so I'll tell you how I
started. First I installed tomcat, then I deployed the example application
(by putting the .war file in the webapps directory of tomcat). After
clicking around a little I started to look at how the struts-config.xml
glues together all the files related to a struts powered front-end. Finally,
I actually looked at and started modifying source code in my favourite java

Ragards, Andreas

-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. Marz 2004 11:11
Betreff: help about struts

Hi ,

I want to work with struts.

But i dont know where will I start first?

What I need for working with struts?

Where should I start first?

Can I work struts on Resin , or only Tomcat?

Which files needed to work struts.?

Please help me ?

Erol Tezcan

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