Hi Mike, the attributes for logic iterate are all explained here:

I've put it in my own words for you below:

For logic:iterate
name attribute: tag looks in all three scopes (page,request,application)for a bean 
with the name
equal to the value of this attribute.  If it is found, and there is no "property" 
specified elsewhere in the tag, then it will use the bean from the name attribute as 
the List/Map to
iterate over.

property attribute: The property specified in the property attribute will be applied 
against the
bean found in the name attribute and the value of this property will be used as the 
List/Map to
iterate.  So if you specify name="MyForm" and property="addresses" then the list which 
will be
iterated over will be the value passed back from the interate tag evaluating 

id attribute: for each loop of the iterate tag, place the next element from the list 
into a
page-level bean named by the value of the id attribute.

idIndex attribute: for each loop of the iterate tag, place the current index value of 
the element
from our List in the page-level int variable named by the value of the idIndex 
attribute (value is
in [0..list.length])

For html:text
The attributes are pretty well explained in

Hope that's enough to get you started.


On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 02:53:11 +0000, "Mu Mike" wrote:

> sorry, the last mail doesnt display correctly, but when I tried to write a 
> new one, I saw it displays correctly as the below
> Thanks&Regards
> >From: "Mu Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: help me about  indexed properties
> >Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 02:49:47 +0000
> >
> >I have the below jsp file needs help
> >
> >
> >
> ><%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
> ><%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
> ><html>
> ><body>
> >  <html:form action="indexedtest5.do">
> >   <logic:iterate name="stringbean" property="stringArray" id="foo"
> >                  indexId="ctr">
> >    <!--what do name property id indexID mean here? what value can I 
> >set to them?
> >     I searched online only fail to find any doc that give detailed 
> >explaination about  these proeprties>
> >-->
> >    <html:text name="stringbean"
> >               property='<%= "labelValue[" + ctr + "].label" %>' />
> >    <!--what do name and propetry mean here? what value can I set to 
> >them?-->
> >
> >   </logic:iterate>
> >   <html:submit property="submitValue">Submit Changes</html:submit>
> >  </html:form>
> ></body>
> ></html>
> >
> >and I dont have the related bean files ,can anyone give me example 
> >bean files that can be used for this jsp file?
> >
> >Thanks&Regards
> >
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> >
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