
request.getRequestDispatcher("/").forward(request, response);

rather than redirect.

On 12 Mar 2004, at 10:59, Christian Schlaefcke wrote:

Hi Folks,

This is the situation:
A struts application that uses tiles. A user needs to logon to work with
the app. A logged-on user has a value object "userSessionVO" with some
authenication parameter in the session. A not-logged-on user could be
identified by the missing session attribute.

To prevent a bad guy catching an url from an logged-on user and call the
corresponding action directly from his browser I want to use a Filter.
That Filter looks in the session for the usersession attribute and if not
found redirects to the login page.

The problem:
The filtering itself works fine, just when the filter tries to redirect my
application throws an Conection aborted by peer:
socket write error

Before this exception happens I can see the following Struts debug message:
Canīt insert page 'mypage.jsp': Conection aborted by peer: socket write
error at "".

This is the code that manages the redirect within the filter doFilter method:

if(usersessionNotFound) {
HttpServletResponseWrapper wrapper = new HttpServletResponseWrapper
wrapper.sendRedirect(wrapper.encodeRedirectURL(myRequest.getContextPath ()
+ "/"));
response = wrapper.getResponse();

chain.doFilter(request, response);

What is wrong? Is it my approach in general or just the way I redirect?
Without redirecting everything works fine

Thanx & Regards,


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