Geeta Ramani wrote:


Oh, Ok, I think i see what your issue is now (shouldn't have hit that earlier
"send" so fast..!)  Ok, in the action before you forward to the jsp, populate
your countries variable.  Then set your session variable (in your Action
class), say, session.setAttribute("countries", countries); (though i still
wonder about making this a session var.. anyway..).

that's what I am trying to avoid... I am already doing it in an Action. I want the
collection to be instantiating in JSP where it is used. The reason I am putting it in
session is that the data comes out of a database but is quite static. Are you suggesting
application scope or page? As I said in my previous message, I already have a class
with a static method that will return a populated collection.


In your jsp then you can simply say: <bean:define id="allCountries" name="countries" scope="session" type="java.util.Collection" />

You should then be able to access the "allCountries" Collection further down
in your jsp..

Hope this helps,

that creates what it needs to. Now what I need to figure out is
the best way to instantiate the "countries" variable in the session.
I think it might be by using the bean:define tag, but I am not
sure. Has anyone done this before?


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