
OK, I get that part now... I mistakenly changed
<html:submit property="method"><bean:message key="button.cancel"/></html:submit>
<html:cancel property="method"><bean:message key="button.cancel"/></html:cancel>
which turns into
<input type="submit" name="method" value="Cancel" onclick="bCancel=true;">
instead of what you showed me:
<input type="submit" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.CANCEL" value="Cancel" onclick="bCancel=true;" />

That breaks another part now... I created a subclass of LookupDispatchAction to handle the various
button presses. If the user clicks on the Cancel button I just want to take my "cancel" forward.
What do I need to do to my Action to accomplish that?

Dean Hoover

Adam Hardy wrote:

Server-side validation is skipped by struts when it sees the "org.apache.struts.taglib.html.CANCEL" request param.

On 03/14/2004 12:20 PM Dean A. Hoover wrote:

What about the non-Javascript validation?... that's what I want to avoid.
The whole Javascript validation thing is optional anyway and doesn't
seem like the best way to implement it (because its optional).


Adam Hardy wrote:

The javascript will be output by the html:form tag and it stops javascript validation.

The cancel button should look like this:

<input type="submit" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.CANCEL" value="Cancel" onclick="bCancel=true;" />

The JSP should look like this:

<html:cancel>Cancel or whatever</html:cancel>


On 03/14/2004 12:56 AM Dean A. Hoover wrote:

I have an html:form with a
html:submit and an html:cancel.
According to the documentation for

"Pressing of this submit button causes
the action servlet to bypass calling the
associated form bean validate() method."

I tried it and it did validation anyway.
Then I looked at the generated HTML
and I see:

<input type="submit" name="method" value="Next">
<input type="submit" name="method" value="Cancel" onclick="bCancel=true;">

The only difference I see is the onclick attribute.
How is that supposed to do anything, given that
that there isn't any javascript in the file. What am
I missing here?

Dean Hoover

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