Dear Laurie,

You forgot to set a page in your tile definition with the path attribute.
The definition needs to be more like so:

<definition name="tiles.view" path="/tiles-test/template.jsp">
   <put name="title" value="PAGE TITLE"/>
   <put name="content" value="/tiles-test/index.jsp"/>

Where /tiles-test/template.jsp could look like:

<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-tiles" prefix="tiles" %>
<!-- insert the "title" attribute from your definition as a string -->
<tiles:getAsString name="title" />
<!-- insert the "content" attribute from your definition as a parsed JSP
page -->
<tiles:insert attribute="content">


-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Laurie Harper
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 7:31 PM
Subject: Using tiles

This is a newbie question on using the Tiles with Struts (never tried it
before). I followed the instructions in the first half of Tiles 101/201,
linked from the Tiles documentation but am having no luck on the
Struts/Tiles integration front. I suspect I've simply missed a step

Here's what I've done:

* Ensured Tiles is enabled in struts-conf.xml (it was by default):
   <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin" >
     <set-property property="definitions-config"
                          value="/WEB-INF/conf/tiles-defs.xml" />
     <set-property property="moduleAware" value="true" />
     <set-property property="definitions-parser-validate" value="true" />

* added a tile definition to teils-defs.xml:
     <definition name="tiles.view">
         <put name="title" value="PAGE TITLE"/>
         <put name="content" value="/tiles-test/index.jsp"/>
* added an action mapping to struts-conf.xml pointing to the tile:
     <action path="/tiles"
         <forward name="view" path="tiles.view"/>

* created /tiles-test/index.jsp with some static text content

What I expected was that when I hit / I'd get back the static
content from /tiles-test/index.jsp. What I actually get back is the
string '<html><body></body></html>', which I haven't defined anywhere.

I also tried implementing execute() in DummyTilesAction to do a 'return
mappings.findForward("view");' but no luck. Changing the name of the
view in struts-conf.xml or tiles-defs.xml makes no difference, and
generates no error messages when they don't match, which makes me

The tiles defs do seem to be read in on startup:

L4J 2004-03-15 19:22:47,801 DEBUG
org.apache.struts.tiles.xmlDefinition.I18nFactorySet default
path=/tiles.layout.basic.jsp, role=null, controller=null,
controllerType=null, controllerInstance=null, attributes={title=DEFAULT
TITLE, content=/tiles.content.default.jsp,
, tiles.view={name=tiles.view, path=null, role=null, controller=null,
controllerType=null, controllerInstance=null, attributes={title=PAGE
TITLE, content=/tiles-test/index.jsp}}
L4J 2004-03-15 19:22:48,065 DEBUG
org.apache.struts.tiles.xmlDefinition.I18nFactorySet Factory initialized
from file '/WEB-INF/conf/tiles-defs.xml'.
L4J 2004-03-15 19:22:48,065 INFO  org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin
Tiles definition factory loaded for module ''.

and the action mapping was picked up correctly; when I hit / I
get this logged:

L4J 2004-03-15 19:25:49,791 DEBUG
org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor  Looking for Action instance
for class DummyTilesAction

But no Tiles related logging, and the page specified in the tile
definition isn't loaded. The taglib documentation at says that I
have to call initComponentDefinitions or otherwise arrange to have Tiles
initialized. I thought the configuration in struts-conf.xml would make
that happen, but tried calling the tag in case. That didn't seem to help.

What am I doing wrong? If I've left any information out, please ask and
I'll post it.



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