Title: Message
Dear all,
i want to use
     <input type="checkbox" name="active" value="1" <%=( appraiser.getActive()).equals("1") )?" checked ":""%>> Yes</td>
in strut html like

    <html:checkbox name="AppraiserForm" property="active" value="1" />

but until now, i can find how to solve this problem .....

the goal is ... if the value in active is 1, i want the check box is check .....

thank's for your help


best regard


 "Life Is Study"

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Every Time Every Where



Irwan Wijaya

Advance Innovations

PT. Adicipta Inovasi Teknologi

Graha Inovasi Lt. 3

Jl. Panjang No. 28

Jakarta, 11530

Ph  : +62-21-533 2112

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