Use String. Anything else is asking of trouble. According to the party line (ref: struts dev list) action form properties should always be of type string.

You can still validate whether a string is "1" for example or whether it looks like a date whatever, it doesn't have to be typed as such.

On 19 Mar 2004, at 09:01, Duma Rolando wrote:

Hi all,
I have a problem using Validator with DynaBeans.
In my struts-config if I declare java.lang.String props for a
DynaValidatorForm a "required" validation works fine, but if I change the
props to java.lang.Integer the "required" validation fails ( no ActionErrors
returned ).
Please hep me!
I'm using struts 1.1, validator 1.0.2, commons-beanutils 1.6.1 ( maybe this
is the problem? ) on tomcat 5.1.19.

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