You haven't even tried using the struts tag..

<html:select property="teacher">
<html:option value="">--</html:option>
<html:options collection="teachers" property="ssn" labelProperty="completeName" />

now if the value of teacher equals one of the ssn values it will be selected.

On 22 Mar 2004, at 15:26, as as wrote:

I tried a lot but in vain, to show a certain default in a drop down as selected, using my <select> statement as follows:
<select name="completeName">
<logic:iterate id="teacher" name="teachers">
<option value="<bean:write name="teacher" property ="SSN"/>">
<bean:write name="teacher" property ="completeName"/>

Looking for alternatives on how to implement the same: (probably using no struts tag)

Any help appreciated.

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