That's exactly my point.

If there is no "submit=xxx" parameter/value to the action, then it throws 
a NullPointerException.  So my action works like this:


But not like this:


In the second case, there is no submit parameter.  For now, anything I 
want to go to the list for the firs titme, I have it going to the first 
representation.  But what I really want is for it to have a default 
behavior when no submit value is present so I can use the second form of 
the URL instead.  That was why I originally posted.  The initial wave of 
replies suggested I could use 'unspecified', but that didn't work.

So, is the answer:

(a) I should never use the second form because it is evil
(b) I could use the second form but its broken in LookupDispatchAction
(c) something else?


Mark Shifman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/25/2004 08:51 AM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

        To:     Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: LookupDispatchAction default

Look at the sourc for LookupDispatchAction snippet below:
 public ActionForward execute(
        ActionMapping mapping,
        ActionForm form,
        HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response)
        throws Exception {

        // Identify the request parameter containing the method name
        String parameter = mapping.getParameter();
        if (parameter == null) {
            String message = messages.getMessage("dispatch.handler", 
            throw new ServletException(message);

        // Identify the string to lookup
        String name = request.getParameter(parameter);
        if (name == null) {
            String message =
mapping.getPath(), parameter);
            throw new ServletException(message);

It looks for the parameter's value and throws if the name is null so it 
never gets a chance to get to unspecified in Dispatch action.


Brian Sayatovic/AMIG wrote:

>Well, I tried overriding unspecified and I still get the following (mind 
>you that I didn't change the parameter name yet) when I hit 
>        Error 500: Request[/admin/list] does not contain handler 
>named submit 
>My unspecified method I simply overrode from DispatchAction to call my 
>normal refresh list method:
>        protected ActionForward unspecified(
>                ActionMapping mapping,
>                ActionForm form,
>                HttpServletRequest request,
>                HttpServletResponse response
>        ) {
>                return this.refreshList(mapping, form, request, 
>        }
>While the JavaDocs do imply this should work, when I looked in the Struts 

>1.1 source, the execute method of LookupDispatchAction generates the 
>message I see as soon as request.getParameter(parameterName) returns 
> In fact, I can find no reference to 'unspecified' anywhere in 
>So I think there is a disconnect.  Maybe LookupDispatchAction is broken 
>and should be fixed to also use 'unspecified', or maybe its JavaDocs 
>should explicitly state that it does not utilize the 'unspecified' 
>behavior of its parent class.  Or, maybe I missed something and didn't 
>implement correctly?
>03/24/2004 09:21 AM
>Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"
>        To:     "Struts Users Mailing List" 
>        cc: 
>        Subject:        Re: LookupDispatchAction default
>unspecified() is the method you want look at the javadoc.
>you do need the method name though
>I saw that using "submit" as the parameter name causes problems so i 
>wouldn't use that.
>On 24 Mar 2004, at 15:16, Brian Sayatovic/AMIG wrote:
>>I'd like to be able to have someone hit my action, /admin/, 
>>having to specify a submit paramater.  However, the action is a 
>>of LookupDispatchAction whci requires that the request parameter be
>>supplied.  Looking in the struts source code, it would be nice if the
>>LookupDispatchAction could fall back to a default or not consider 
>>to be a bad value and just use 'null' as a key to the lookup Map.  For
>>now, any link or redirect to the page must specify what I consider to 
>>the default action -- refresh -- on the URL:
>>Is there another way to do this?  Is it worth suggesting that
>>LookupDispatchAction support a default or null mapping?
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 Mark Shifman MD. Ph.D.
 Yale Center for Medical Informatics
 Phone (203)737-5219

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