
I have to use: WebSphere Studio Application Developer (Windows)  Version:

I developed my app with the StrutsStudio, as it is not that complex. But
know I have 
to run it on WSAD and run into different problems:

a. WSAD did not like the validation.XML 
   (so deleted it cause I did not use it anyway)

b. I use iBatis for the DB stuff and iBatis needs a newer JDOM version. 
   (so I integrated that and the coresponding DTDs for iBatis, as I was 
    not able to referenc it from the net)

so far everything seams to work, but know I got some straing error messages,

that i did not define my ibatis xml  files correctly?!?

But the same app works fine on a Tomcat-Server!

I read in Hubert Rabago mail:
> Just as I suspected.  I'm forced to use WSAD where I work, 
> and I've turned
> off a whole bunch of validations by it, including Struts.  It 
> complains of a
> lot of things that either it doesn't know about or it's just 
> plain wrong
> about.  Fortunately, I only have to run the app there, and 
> not have to do any
> serious coding with it.  My teammates aren't as fortunate, though.

And thought that this could be a way to solve my problem, but did 
not find the right spot to enabel the validation.


DAMMMMMMMMMM I allways thougt that using Java would enable me 
to create  a *.war fiel and run it on any Java-application Server! 

> Oliver,
> What version of WSAD are you running? What problems are you having 
> specifically?
> Validation is controlled through the menu option Window >> Preferences >> 
> Validation
> Susan Bradeen
> "Oliver Thiel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/26/2004 08:09:34 AM:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > 
> > I read that some of you had some problems to run 
> > Struts apps on WSAD and as I run into that problem
> > too i wanted to know how you solved it!
> > 
> > I as far as I understand some turned of different validations
> > including the on concerning Struts, but where couldn't 
> > fide the right place to do that!
> > 
> > And are their any outher traps that has to be solved?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thank and have a nice weekend
> > Oliver
> > 
> > -- 
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