On Sun, 2014-01-26 at 09:49 -0600, Kunda Loves Scribus wrote:
> Hey all, 
> It's almost time (Feb 3rd) for Projects to submit their proposals to
> GSOC. There has been some work underway to clarify what could be
> viable and interesting Subsurface projects for GSoC students to
> contribute to. Check for those details
> @ http://trac.hohndel.org/wiki/Gsoc_2014

I think this is a great idea. We have a number of bigger projects that
we keep talking about but no one seems to really have to have the time
to do them.

Kunda and I have populated the list with a few ideas already...

> Feel free to: vet, add ideas or add to pre-existing ones. Also we need
> volunteers for mentoring. 

Definitely. I have a few people I'm going to poke to volunteer, but the
more people we have willing to mentor (or to be a backup mentor), the

> In fact there are still some other requirements to satisfy for the
> proposal. Such as who is interested in mentoring and other details.

I added to the wiki since Kunda wrote this and started a section where
we collect the answers to the questions that are being asked of
organizations applying.

I would really appreciate some help here from others.

> You can connect with me about details and/or make changes to the wiki
> directly. I have offered to help setup the process and do legwork to
> get this off the ground, though at some point Dirk will take point on
> officially admining Gsoc (if it happens). 


Thanks for starting this, Kunda


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