On Mon, 2014-03-31 at 13:04 +0200, Robert Helling wrote:
> here are two patches. The first I kindof announced on IRC: The depth
> value taking into account both O2 and N2 is to rate how narced you are
> and only makes sense for trimix dives (as for nitrox dives it always
> equals the real depth). The other, just comparing ppN2 can be used when
> nitrox diving to figure out deco as one can computed it as an air dive
> when one uses this depth instead of the real depth. This makes no sense
> for trimix as the he contribution to deco is ignored. The first patch
> therefore displays these values only for trimix/nitrox dives
> respectively where they apply. None is shown for air dives as this is
> equal to the actual depth for air dives.

I really like this.

> The second patch reverses the names for EAD and END. After a night’s
> sleep I came to the conclusion that only this makes sense from the
> words and the comment, Jan and myself were confused and apparently we
> managed to confuse Dirk as well. Thanks for spotting this. If you don’t
> agree don’t apply the second patch.

It makes me a little sad that Jan cannot argue back...

I'll apply both of them.


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