On Sat, 2014-04-12 at 14:02 +0200, Gehad wrote:
> On 04/11/2014 04:19 PM, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> >
> > I think I had something slightly different in mind:
> >
> > The prefs variable should contain a member for each setting. And we need

That was too simplistic :-)

> > to redo those members so they are actually identical to the name of the
> > setting (it's ridiculous that we have these tiny variations between the
> > string used as key in QSettings and the member of the struct
> > preferences).
> >
> > Whenever the code needs to check a preference, just use
> >
> >     if (prefs.whatever == ...)

That's really the criteria I am looking for. The things we check in such
a way are the things that should be in the prefs structure. Others make
no sense - I'm thinking 
# "ListWidget" ## 
- "colwidth0" 
- "colwidth1" 
- "colwidth13" 
- "colwidth2" 
- "colwidth3" 
- "colwidth4" 
those make no sense in prefs - same goes for all the other colwidth
But the TecDetails, Units, all the settings that we need to look at in
several places should be in prefs.

> I Made a list of all Qsettings in subsurface there is 18 settings Group 
> and 92 keys, we have to make prefs members for all the 92 keys (some of 
> them is used while initialization only) ?
> Also I think if we didn't add all the settings to the prefs structure 
> using that macro can be dangerous.
> I attached the list of all Keys.

Thanks for doing this - that really helped clarify what I wanted and
made it much easier to talk about this. Great work.


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