Hi everybody,

the last days, I have spend some time with the planner. All this has happened 
on my “oneplannertable” branch on github but here I send the currents state of 
affairs as a single patch to me merged with master before Tomaz in his aim to 
separate out things touches every single line in every single file in his 
attempt to weed out legacy connections between C and C++ code.

I guess I made some progress but the planner is still far from being complete 
or even presentable to the average user. Here is a list of things I did, Dirk, 
you may want to take the following as a commit message:

Improvement of various bits of the planner

Rewrite of the actual planner logic. Now ascend to the next potential stop 
depth. There the state is cached and we try to ascend to the next stop depth. 
If we hit the ceiling while doing that we go back to the cached state and wait 
there for a minute. Then we try again. Then loop. 

Converted all depth related variables from unsigned int to int. During 
planning, in a time step the current depth can temporarily be negative and 
comparisons of a negative int with an unsigned it have not the result I 
expected ( (int) -2 < (unsigned int) 3 turns out to be false). And we don’t 
really need the 32nd bit that unsigned buys us for depths.

Deco stops are now shown in the same table as manually entered stops in 
boldface (I removed the second table to save screen estate).

The gas shown in the table is still misleading as it means the gas used on the 
segment leading up to that event.

The update of the profile only works partially upon changes in the list of 
available gases.

Treatment of various gases is basically there but needs some more love.

The ascent velocity is now provided by a function that takes the current depth 
as argument. Currently it always returns 10m/min but that will later be 
variable (and hopefully user configurable).

The profile is not redrawn while deco is computed (avoiding an infinite 

The table got a new column for the duration of a segment while the old 
“duration” column was renamed “Runtime” to reflect what it actually shows. 
Currently, only the run time but not the duration are editable.

All deco gases are used from the depth where their pO2 is 1.4bar. This should 
become more flexible.

Calculation of the pressure drop in cylinders without configured volumes is 
suppressed. This solves a problem with the planner crashing when saving a dive 
where not all cylinders had been manually given a volume. 

[Short rant break: Treating 0/0 as air bites back at so many places. E.g. 
Cylinder data is initialized with memsetting the whole structures to 0. Then 
later suddenly this totally unconfigured cylinder is being treated as it would 
contain air. Maybe at some point this was a feature. But it lead to a naughty 
bug which took me over an hour to resolve. We should seriously reconsider this 
choice and better move to 209/0 being air if changing this everywhere is not 
too much trouble]

Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <hell...@atdotde.de>

Attachment: planner_work.patch
Description: Binary data

Happy easter holiday everybody!

Robert C. Helling     Elite Master Course Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
                      Scientific Coordinator
                      Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen, Dept. Physik
                      Phone: +49 89 2180-4523  Theresienstr. 39, rm. B339

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