Hi all,

Some suggestions after my comparison attempts against GUE Decoplanner 3.14.
In the past I used GAP and Vplanner.

I tried to use the graphical part moving points and so on but it was

For the sake of speed I prefer using a simple and effective data entry. BTW
it's nice that the profile and dive plan update immeditaely as I
enter/modify data.

#1 I don't want to insert the first point: it should automagically appear
because in the planner preferences I set a descent rate m/Min (20m/min by
default). It seems to me that Anton filed a patch for something like

#2 By default I have just to insert depth and time.
By default dive time is always comprised of descent time. Sometime you find
the "finesse" to exclude/include it but it's unnecessary IMHO.

#3 If you have to plan a mutilevel dive you can add more depth/time points.

#4 for each point you define a gas mix.

#5 On my build SS added all the mix it found on my dive :) Maybe I'm wrong
but I did not understood its behavior.
For the sake of plan speed it would be nice if SS could automagically
select the best mix for me from a standard gas set (no flame intended: I'm
a GUE diver). Maybe PO2 <=1.2 on the bottom and END <=30m could be an
agreement or we could set them on a mix preferences page.

#6 I like that it choose my deco gas by default with a default switch
depth. Maybe it's a mistake but it suggest 18m instead of 21m for EAN50.

#7 dive plain details text box should be a table or somethig which permits
a better formatting. BTW Decoplanner has a table but it doesn't permit to
copy and paste nicely the plan on a email.

#8 on the dive plain it would be nice having a total deco time with
indication of deepest deco stop.

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